Is it me or Blogger? Probably me.
"Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do." ~Rumin
Is it me or Blogger? Probably me.
Here is another simplistic week. Last week went pretty well; however, I'm not sure what happened to Thursday, so that's back on the menu this week.
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One of my goals for 2009 was to "Get Back to Menu Planning" and while I never intended to get away from it, Thanksgiving came, then Christmas and before I knew, 2 Holidays and 4 Birthdays later, well here I am.... Planning to get back into the saddle I only sat in for a short time.
Often times while trying to parent three children who are close enough in age to be triplets, it can, most days, be so challenging that when moments are there to be captured - they are not.
Since I've actually got my goals for the New Year in print (something I never do) I've been pleasantly surprised at how often I refer back to them to keep me on track. Who'da thunk?
It's one of those days.
In talking about my goals and homeschooling yesterday. I'm exploring Ann Ward's, Learning at Home: Preschool & Kindergarten on the advice of momstheword. Thank you for that resource as I have gotten it from the library and love it. Now I am just looking to get my own copy since I can't keep it for all 36 weeks of the curriculum. I figure we should have a pretty good idea if we want to continue or enroll our oldest in school in the fall. Thank you!
Read more...Well, finally, here are my goals for 2009. The past year has been very, very, very difficult. I haven't blogged about it, I haven't blogged much at all actually. One hopes to reach the bottom of a never ending pit of despair just to have solace knowing that "up" is the only way to go. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, it can always get worse. And it has. And it can still get worse. Before it does, I need to pull myself out of this funk and get a move on!
Well, Happy New Year to me! I got the Blue Screen of Death this morning and I'll take it as a hint.
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