Saturday, January 17

A Beautiful Life ~ Reflecting

Although some treasures in life are not always revealed until a later time, we all need time to purposely reflect on current events in our lives and acknowledge those we do notice.  No matter how small.

Life can fly by in the blink of an eye and we end up with a list of "I shoulda...", "I coulda...", "If I..." or "I wish I...".  You get the picture.  I've got more of those than I can count or care to share and I want to change that.


A Captain, his ship and crew are ready to go.  Do they set sail without the proper navigational tools?  Not if they have an intended destination, say...  buried treasure on an island somewhere around the world.  ;)

While they may endure wind, rain, calm seas, violent storms or struggles among themselves; they need to know where they are going and how to get there.  A compass tells the Captain where they are going and a map tells him how to get there.  And what good are these tools if the Captain doesn't use them?  Many times on their journey, the Captain must consult his compass and map to ensure they stay the course, whether they have just been tossed about by a storm or are smooth sailing through beautiful, blue, cool calm water - the Captain must reflect on where they have been, determine where they are, make any necessary adjustments and keep sailing.

The same basic principles are true in life.  I guess this is why it is so important to have goals in life.  Some will contest that they do just fine without them, while others struggle and ask the proverbial question, "Why me?"  I'm guilty.

We are all on our own journey, no matter what it is, we need a map.  If you declared any resolutions for the New Year or set goals, that is a start.  Now that you've made that commitment, you'll need your compass to gauge where you are in respect to that map.  If you don't take time to reflect and make adjustments, you've spent precious time and energy, although with good intentions, in vain.


Melissa over at The Inspired Room shared her "A Beautiful Life" post and I'll check my compass, look at my map and do the same.

Although I can't specifically give details on everything that I'm more conscience of, just know that I've been reviewing my goals for the New Year every couple of days and making further commitments to achieve those goals.  I've caved a couple of times and had soda - four times in all since I posted my goal list.  Much better than two to three cans a day though!  :).  If you stick around you can follow along as I post other successes or struggles with reviewing my list and adjusting to stay the course.  All of the support out here in bloggy world is amazing.  I'll be participating in many memes that I know will help.

Here is a quote that I was introduced to many, many years ago and never really 'got it' until a short time ago, but it is so true!

"The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators."  ~ Edward Gibbon

Thank you Carolina Mama for sharing.  It inspired me to follow along to The Inspired Room and follow the course I set for the New Year.

Change is good and this year is already feeling great.


Jena Webber 1/22/09, 10:06 AM  

Thanks for the lovely post. I am thankful I have the Lord as my compass. The winds and life may swerve me away from my intended route, but He will assure me that I get to where I was supposed to be anyway.

About the workout DVD's: they are great, just make sure you don't injure yourself. Good pain is good. It means you're working hard, but bad pain (something that puts strain on a bone or a joint) should be avoided until the muscles are strong enough to support it properly.

I'm sure you'll meet your goals for fitness and otherwise. You seem to be very dedicated to them! Keep up the good work.

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