Saturday, January 3

I Forgot Someone...

In talking about my goals and homeschooling yesterday.  I'm exploring Ann Ward's, Learning at Home:  Preschool & Kindergarten on the advice of momstheword.  Thank you for that resource as I have gotten it from the library and love it.  Now I am just looking to get my own copy since I can't keep it for all 36 weeks of the curriculum.  I figure we should have a pretty good idea if we want to continue or enroll our oldest in school in the fall.  Thank you!


momstheword 1/3/09, 4:48 PM  

I am glad you like it. I loved it. You may be able to find it on ebay, I don't know. They have lots of homeschooling books there. Do you have a secondhand homeschool bookstore? If not, you may be able to find one in another city or state that will mail it to you, still cheaper than paying full price.

The nice thing about homeschooling is that you don't have to commit to it for the rest of your life. You can just start and see how it goes. You can always put the child back in school.

If you do it, I encourage you to get lots of encouragement and help from either friends, a co-op, or online. You will need it on "those" days. But cheer up, even public school teachers have "those" days. It doesn't mean you give up! is another great site. As is

There are lots of great homeschooling sites out there!

On my blog there is a label on the sidebar called "frugal sites." Those have lots of great frugal sites that I love!

Also check out some of my frugal posts if you want. You will see that I, too, am trying to get on a budget.

Your goals are great and I loved them. I do hope and pray that this is a better year for you, my friend!

de Loach family blog 1/8/09, 5:00 PM  

Good luck on the homeschooling.. :) I wish I had the patiece for it.

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